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Welcome the the Haqqani Foundation of Montreal Website.

The Haqqani Foundation endeavors to spread the Sufi teachings of the brotherhood of mankind and the Unity of belief in God that is present in all religions and spiritual paths.
Its efforts are directed at bringing the diverse spectrum of religions and spiritual paths into harmony and concord, in recognition of mankind's responsibility as caretaker of this fragile planet and of one another.


Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani: is the spiritual leader of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi Order. He has devoted his life to spreading the teachings of traditional Islam and serve to humanity throughout the world, from East Asia to North America.


Many more to come

A number of organizations are served through the Haqqani Foundation, including:

  • Centre Soufi, [http://www.soufi.ca] a meeting point for the community, connecting those interested in spirituality through Sufi meditation, teachings and music.
  • The Saphir Institute, [http://www.institut-saphir.org] which offers the community courses, workshops, and seminars on spiritual development, meditation, Tai Chi, and yoga.
  • The Soufi bookstore, [http://www.naqshbandi.ca/fr/shop/livres.shtml] adjacent to the Centre Soufi, which provides books on spirituality and Islam.
  • The Burdah Ensemble, [http://www.burdah.net/] The Burdah Ensemble is lead by Sidi Anwar Barrada & a group of Muhibeen of The Naqshbandi Sufi Center of Montreal who hail from a plethora of backgrounds, giving the ensemble a unique flavor and style in the world of Sacred sufi music..



© 2009 Fondation Haqqani.